Conference dates: 30 October–2 November 2024

The academic programme takes place on 31 October and 1 November 2024 at the Estonian National Museum.

The full programme involves organised tours of the Washing Machine Made of Beetroot exhibition on 30 October 2024, and visits to various public workshops and a community garden in Tartu on 2 November 2024.

Please see the ABSTRACT BOOK (PDF).



Exhibition Tour


Tour of the joint exhibition project Washing Machine Made of Beetroot


Opening reception at the Tartu City Museum


Academic programme at the Estonian National Museum


Registration, coffee and tea


Welcome Address


Keynote - Jakob Hurt Hall

  • Steven J. Jackson (Cornell University), Broken World Thinking: Maintenance, Repair, Hope

Chair: Marium Durrani


Coffee and tea


Session 1

Museums and Sustainability - Jakob Hurt Hall

Moderator: Agnes Aljas (Estonian National Museum)

  • Tiina Paavola (The Historical Museums of Tampere), Reuse, Recycle or Sale? Good Practice in the Use of Deaccessioned Textiles

  • Katrīna Kūkoja (Latvian Museum of Literature and Music), Elīna Kursīte (Latvian Museum of Literature and Music) and Leonarda Ķestere (Latvian Museum of Literature and Music), Preservation for the Future: Aligning Museum Policy with Sustainability Goals

  • Magdalena Puchberger (Volkskundemuseum) and Blandine Smilansky (House of European History), History of Waste: Stories of Re-Use and Sustainability, a Cooperation Project on a European Level

  • Theodora Năstasie (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant), Table Display Case to Office Desk to Artefact: Assigning Uses to the Material Legacy of Former Socialist Museums

Renovation and Repair 1 - Helmi Kurrik Auditorium

Moderator: Lizette Gradén (Lund University)

  • Daniela Moisa (Université du Québec à Rimouski) and Iurie Stamati (Université du Québec à Rimouski), Vernacular Houses, Repair and Community Building in Quebec, Canada

  • Iida Kalakoski (Tampere University), Building Repair As a Learning Process

  • Sigrun Thorgrimsdottir (University of Gothenburg), Byggnadsvård: Mobilising Alternative Narratives of Building Care

Resilient Community Practices - Aliise Moora Auditorium

Moderator: Jane Remm (Estonian Academy of Arts)

  • Sunna Kovanen (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg) and Lilian Pungas (University Duisburg-Essen; Friedrich Schiller University Jena), On Babushkas and Post-capitalism: Theorising Diverse Economies from the Global East

  • Lilian Pungas (University Duisburg-Essen; Friedrich Schiller University Jena) and Bianka Plüschke-Altof (University of Tartu; Tallinn University), Same, Same But Different? The ‘Right’ Kind Of Gardening And The Negotiation Of Neoliberal Urban Governance In The Post-Socialist City

  • Dagmar Narusson (University of Tartu), Anneli Kährik (University of Tartu), Aet Annist (University of Tartu), Bianka Plüschke-Altof (University of Tartu) and Lilian Pungas (University of Tartu), Community Garden As A Citizen Space: Analysing The Transformative Potential Of Emajõe Garden In Tartu

  • Saara Mildeberg (Tallinn University), Lilian Pungas (University of Duisburg-Essen; Friedrich Schiller University Jena) and Annela Samuel (Tallinn University), Building Bridges with Gardeners' Day: A Tribute to Overlooked Food Self-Provisioning Practice through Transdisciplinary Dialogue and Co-creation




Session 2

Repair and Reuse Communities 1 - Jakob Hurt Hall

Moderator: Isabel Ordóñez (Elisava School of Design and Engineering; Central University of Catalonia)

  • Rachel Smith (Repair Shop) and Sam Bennett (Repair Shop; Eindhoven University of Technology), How Mending Survives: Repair and the Role of Communal Knowledge Exchange

  • Isabel Ordóñez (Elisava School of Design and Engineering; Central University of Catalonia), Fixoteket: Neighbourhood Spaces for Reuse, Repair and Community

  • Thomas Meyer (Goethe Institute Czech Republic), The Green Side of Libraries

  • Lauri Mei (Paranduskelder), How to Empower Repair in a Local Community

Crafts, Heritage and Materials 1 - Aliise Moora Auditorium

Moderator: Mari-Liis Tammiste (Estonian Agricultural Museum)

  • Ave Matsin (University of Tartu), Local Natural Craft Materials for Resilience

  • Asimina Kouvara (Tallinn University of Technology), Vernacular Practices As A Catalyst For Sustainability: The Case Of Pokari Project (Wool)

  • Madis Rennu (University of Tartu) and Andres Rõigas (University of Tartu), Fieldwork Notes through the Eyes of a Craftsman: Economic Interests, Local and Cultural Cooperation in the Intentional Communities of Southern Estonia

Renovation and Repair 2 - Helmi Kurrik Auditorium

Moderator: Iida Kalakoski (Tampere University)

  • Rūta Šmite (The Ziedonis Museum) and Una Vindberga (The Ziedonis Museum), Summerhouse As A Manifest Of Sustainability

  • Timothy Meek (University of Stirling), Vicky Flintoff (University of York) and Kate North (English Heritage), Lime Finishes: What’s the Point?

  • Aljona Gineiko (Estonian Academy of Arts), Considering Using Historical Wood Waste in Restoration through 3D Printing

  • Amelia Allen and Timothy Meek (University of Stirling), Fractured Fabrics: Exposing the Core of a Building to Reclaim Lost Knowledge and Inform on Modern Approaches


Coffee and tea


Session 3

Repair and Reuse Communities 2 - Jakob Hurt Hall

Moderator: Isabel Ordóñez (Elisava School of Design and Engineering; Central University of Catalonia)

  • Frazen Tolentino-Zondervan (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) and Willem van Winden (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), Towards the Circular Management of Construction and Demolition Waste

  • Willem van Winden (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) and Isabel Ordóñez (Elisava School of Design and Engineering & Central University of Catalonia), Can Urban Resource Centers Help Us Re-Use CDW?

  • Iiris Tähti Toom (Spatialist Studio) and Henri Kopra (Spatialist Studio), Meanwhile in Kopli

  • Rakel Jónsdóttir (University of Iceland), Empathfridges: A Story of Freedges and Invisible Family Members

Crafts, Heritage and Materials 2 - Aliise Moora Auditorium

Moderator: Ave Matsin (University of Tartu)

  • Thomas O'Dell (Lund University) and Lizette Gradén (Lund University), The Revitalisation of Cultural Heritage and Traditional Crafts: Lessons Learned from a Master Thatcher

  • Débora Paulino (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro), Sustainable Applications of Industrial Hemp through a DIY Approach

  • Mathilde Frances Lind (Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts), Artefacts or Living Tools? Dilemmas in the Conservation and Use of Antique Textile Equipment

  • Ave Matsin (University of Tartu) and Liisa Nurme (University of Tartu), The Importance of Craft Research in Sustainability: Roundtable Discussion

Workshop - Helmi Kurrik Auditorium

  • Hanna Korhonen (National Museum of Finland), My Heritage Box


Tour of the Daily Use exhibition, given by the exhibition’s curators Tomás Errázuriz (Universidad Andrés Bello) and Ricardo Greene (Universidad San Sebastián)


Tours at the Estonian National Museum`s permanent exhibitions Encounters, and Echo of the Urals


Academic programme at the Estonian National Museum


Registration, coffee and tea


Keynote - Jakob Hurt Hall

  • Tomás Errázuriz (Universidad Andrés Bello) and Ricardo Greene (Universidad de las Américas), Care, Adapt, Survive

Chair: Tenno Teidearu (Estonian National Museum)


Coffee and tea


Session 4

Repair and Mending 1 - Jakob Hurt Hall

Moderator: Mathilde Frances Lind (Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts)

  • Ren Ewart (University of Groningen), Sampling Samplers: Mending Heritage and Artistic Practice

  • Maris Taul, Exploring Traditional Textile Repair Techniques in Estonian Peasant Culture: Insights from the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

  • Tenno Teidearu (Estonian National Museum), The Changing Meanings of Repair in Estonia: From Necessity to Sustainability

  • Dominic Brownell (University of Hertfordshire), Repair and Reuse in the Mass Consumption of Cars in Britain, 1950-2010

Design and Arts - Helmi Kurrik Auditorium

Moderator: Amy Schwartzott (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University)

  • Amy Schwartzott (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University), Recuperating Object Materiality: Recycling in Contemporary Mozambican Art

  • Danielle Keller Aviram, Precious Minerals Can Never Become Waste

  • Kateriin Rikken, Junk Glass: A Playful Source for the Glass Artist

  • Evgeniya Grafskaya (University of Tartu), Modern Papermaking: Combining Sustainability, Budget and Art

DIY Culture - Aliise Moora Auditorium

Moderator: Saara Mildeberg (Tallinn University)

  • Gábor Kőszegi (Museum of Ethnography) and Tamás Móser (Museum of Ethnography), Objects Born of Lack: Peculiar Object Making Practices in Hungary during State Socialism

  • Mari-Liis Tammiste (Estonian Agricultural Museum), New Materials and Old Techniques: How Hay Baling Twine and Other Synthetic Materials Were Adapted into Crafting Supplies from the Late 1960s to the 1980s

  • Madis Vasser and Maria Muuk, Terra Low Tech Theme Park

  • Robertho Miguel Paredes Coral (University of Tartu), Visual Narratives of the Forest and Tambopata Amazonian Cosmovision




Session 5

Repair and Mending 2 - Jakob Hurt Hall

Moderator: Ren Ewart (University of Groningen)

  • Marium Durrani, A Felt(-ed) Repair: Unveiling the ‘M’ of Mending

  • Anna-Maria Saar, The Fear of Disappearance

  • Wendy Ward (Sheffield Hallam University), EveryWear: Embracing Visible Wear through a Daily Hand Sewing Practice

Fashion and Sustainability - Helmi Kurrik Auditorium

Moderator: Key Külaots (Estonian Fashion Festival)

  • Maria Rojko Nisu (Estonian Academy of Arts), DIY Sneakers

  • Joelle Jackson (Indiana University), Sustainable Consumption and Expressive Practice: Perspectives from a North American Thrift Store

  • Reet Aus (Estonian Academy of Arts), UPMADE Certified Upcycled and Recycled Products: Digital Solutions

  • Key Külaots (Estonian Fashion Festival), Supporting Sustainability in the Fashion Industry: Models and Initiatives

Degrowth - Aliise Moora Auditorium

Moderator: Anette Parksepp

  • Madis Vasser (Degrowth Estonia), Every Problem Does Not Need a High Tech Solution

  • Riinu Lepa (Tallinn University of Technology), Work Time Reduction As a Potential Instrument for Sustainable Communities

  • Marta Konovalov (Estonian Academy of Arts) and Jane Remm (Estonian Academy of Arts), From Sowing Confusion to Dialogical Co-Creation: Artistic and Designer Practices, and Creative Methods for Meaningful Engagement with Nature and Resilient Ways of Doing


Coffee and tea


Workshop session

Oskar Kallas Auditorium

Marium Durrani and Lucie Hernandez (Royal College of Art), Experiencing Repair: Applying a Repair Toolkit to Foster Social Innovation through Garment Mending Practices

Helmi Kurrik Auditorium

Teele Pehk (Degrowth Estonia), Andra Jelle (Degrowth Estonia), Maria Muuk (Degrowth Estonia) and Diana Matejuk (Degrowth Estonia), Circular Economy and Degrowth: One Cannot Do Without the Other

Aliise Moora Auditorium

Agnes Aljas (Estonian National Museum) and Reet Mägi (University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden), Fostering Sustainable Practices in Organisations: Case Study of the Green Museum Label

Gustav Ränk Auditorium

Lauri Mei (Paranduskelder), How Repairable Is My Phone?

Washing Machine Made of Beetroot


Tours at Estonian National Museum`s permanent exhibition Encounters


Ending gala at the Estonian National Museum, Pööriöö café (Area B)


Tour to Public Initiatives in Tartu


Visits to public workshops, community garden and Foodsharing network in Tartu


Lunch at Aparaaditehas, restaurant Aparaat (at own cost)


Public film screening at Elektriteater

Moderator: Tenno Teidearu (Estonian National Museum)

  • Rakel Jónsdóttir (University of Iceland), Empathfridges

  • Anna Hints, For Tomorrow Paradise Arrives

Please see the ABSTRACT BOOK (PDF).

Tour of the exhibition, 30 October 2024

The conference programme involves an organised tour of the joint exhibition project Washing Machine Made of Beetroot.
This is a joint exhibition made in collaboration between the Estonian Road Museum, the Estonian Agricultural Museum, and the Tartu City Museum that deals with invention, ingenuity, recycling, and do-it-yourself mentality.

The tour takes place as an organised day trip by bus, and is available for all registered conference participants.

“I made a washing machine out of beetroot" is an expression that dates to the Soviet era. At that time, people were incredibly inventive, with great craft skills. The do-it-yourself mentality was then associated with scarcity, yet today, it's in fashion. In our culture of (over)consumption, people are into creating something with their own hands as opposed to always buying new things.

Each museum explores a different topic, according to the museum’s field.

Tartu City Museum shows you what it was like to live in deprivation during the Soviet era. If what was needed was not available, people had to take the old and turn it into something new, or at least pimp it up a little bit. They made their own clothes, cosmetics, hobby equipment, and even household appliances. The City Museum has collected these stories and home-made items. Come and get some clever ideas for reusing and upcycling!

At the Estonian Road Museum, you can experience the invention and ingenuity of road workshops and private garages. Garage culture, repairing, and home-made vehicles still have a strong presence all over Estonia.

The Estonian Agricultural Museum will inspire you with horticulture and gardens, applied textiles, food preservation methods and home-made agricultural machinery. It's highly likely that in 2024 we'll be sticking our fingers into the soil to grow food.

See more about the Washing Machine Made of Beetroot joint exhibition (in English)
See more about the Washing Machine Made of Beetroot joint exhibition (in Estonian)

Visits to public workshops, 2 November 2024

The conference programme involves visits to various public workshops, community garden and Foodsharing network in Tartu.
Visits are organised, and information about each establishment is provided by the conference organisers.

Visits to the following initiatives and institutions are in the programme: